Most people do not realize that there are 3 parts to having a website online.
- Domain name
- A website – the code, the design, the active part you interact with online
- Web hosting – someone needs to act like the garage where you can store your truck.
This option is for people that already paid to have a website created and are tired of paying $20.00 or more every month just to host the site.
In order for me to host your site you will have to have access to the domain name. The domain name is like the title to your truck. Hopefully the person who did your original website put it in your name. MOST DO NOT and they hold it hostage in case you owe them money. If you do not have access to your domain name then you are S.O.L.
You could start over on a new domain and I can copy your existing site, but it would be starting over with a new domain name.
IF YOU DO have access and can take your website with you I can move it over and host it for you.
$0.00 to $100.00 SETUP FEE
Really depends on what you have or need done from old host. If easy then free, if takes time to wait on emails and access then fee applies. Only charge you for what I do.
Monthly billed recurring on your credit card ( $119.40)
One time yearly fee